The Exchange Student

by Lubrican

Chapters : Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Epilogue


Jason was there for the ceremony, which was conducted in both Russian and English. Someone had leaked the information to the media, and a news crew was there to film it. Molly wasn't impressed with that idea, but Petra thought it was grand fun, and the two women had become such close friends that Molly just tried to keep her face away from the camera. She needn't have worried. The young cameraman couldn't keep his eyes off of Nadia.

The wedding made the national news, and there were a few editorials where pundits argued for or against the union. Some of those against it used politics, and some used age, but it was all a flash in the pan. It made a ruckus in Victorville, but most folks got a kick out of seeing their town on TV. Further, it wasn't unusual in Victorville for girls to get married young.

Or have fine, healthy, premature babies after their marriage, either.

Of course, by the time that happened, the happy couple had already graduated. Petra was there for the birth, but this time the ticket was bought by her daughter, who was employed as a consultant by half a dozen companies that were trying to expand their markets into Russia. She was astoinshed at how much American companies would pay her just for translating documents, and helping them prepare contracts. She was happy about that, but the most exciting thing in her life at that point was that she was only weeks away from being awarded U.S. citizenship.

Ruth was working full time, and taking night classes. He also took a few online courses that were guaranteed to transfer, or his money would be refunded.

Two years later he was still taking online courses, but now it was mostly for fun, because he was fully employed as a house-husband, taking care of Olav, the son responsible for his marriage, and twin girls named Elsa and Robin. Nadia could do most of her work anywhere she had access to broadband, so she breastfed all her children. Occasionally she had to go to a conference somewhere, but the companies always paid for everything, even having her picked up from the airport and driven around town.

Nobody told her how valuable her services were. They paid her lots of money, though, something she wouldn't understand for years. To Nadia it was just a job ... a means to earn the money that let her stay home with her husband and family and live well enough that people back home in Russia would think she was an empress.

Once she was a citizen, her mother was given a work permit, and thus allowed to live in America, where she was hired as a nanny.

For her own grandchildren.

Actually, though, it was a completely legitimate job.

That's because somebody had to take care of the kids while Nadia and Ruth tried to give her two or three more of them.

The End

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