The Exchange Student
by Lubrican
Chapters : Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Epilogue
Chapter Eleven
What fate handed them was three very serious
women. And it only took an hour.
Molly approached the men and was succinct.
"Petra is unabashedly delighted that her
daughter is going to marry a rich American.
Nothing I could say would convince her we aren't rich. She is unhappy that she can't stay and be
here for the birth. She can,
however, be here for the wedding."
"Wow," said Ruth.
"Don't talk to me right now, Ruth. I'm still angry with you."
"Yes, Mother," said Ruth formally.
"We women will take care of plans for things in
the immediate future. That includes up
to graduation. You gentlemen need to
make plans for the long term. Ruth will
have to support her. Her mother would
like very much to come live with her daughter.
That's how they do it in Russia.
Bet you didn't think of that while you were sneaking down the
hallway to dally with her ... did you!"
She held up a hand. "Don't
answer that. I'm still mad at you."
"Yes, Mother," said Ruth, smiling.
"Are there any questions?"
"I'd like to ask where Petra is sleeping, so I
can take her things there," said Ruth.
"But since I can't talk yet, I guess I'll just think about it for a
"Petra will be sleeping in Ruth's room,"
said Molly, looking at her husband.
"Please supervise him as he prepares it for her so I am not
embarrassed when she goes in there."
"And where should I put his clothes?"
asked Bob.
Molly's face got pained. "I can't believe I'm saying this. Ruth will be sleeping with his very soon
to be wife."
"How soon?" asked Ruth, breaking into a
"To-fucking-morrow if I have my way!" ranted his mother.
She calmed again instantly.
"I wish to thank you, Ruth, and I do so now, with all my
"Thank me?
What for?"
"If I were talking to you, I'd say it was for
getting me the daughter-in-law I've always wanted, who I already love dearly,
and for making me a grandmother while I'm still young enough to enjoy it. I'm miffed at the way you went about it, but
you have made me a very happy mother."
Then she burst into tears and hugged her son for a
full four minutes.
Exactly nine hours, sixteen minutes and twenty-three
seconds after Nadia saw her mother at the airport, she stood in her room ... their room ...
facing Ruth. They were fully clothed,
and stood two feet apart.
"I'm sorry," said Nadia. "I should have told you."
"Let's not worry about that ever again,"
he said.
"I get to sleep with you," she said. "All night." She sounded breathless.
"I sleep naked," said Ruth.
"No you don't," she said. "You wear those lovely tight shorts."
"I sleep naked now," he said.
She smiled.
"Funny ... so do I."
Less than ten minutes later they lay in bed, naked,
"My baby is in here," said Ruth, sliding
his hand over her still-flat belly.
"Yes," she said.
"Are you happy about that?" he asked.
"There are no words that can say how happy I am
... in either English or Russian."
"It's going to be hard for us," he said.
"I know.
But life has already been hard for me ... and I had no one to love
"I can't believe they let us sleep
"My mother is responsible for that. In her mind, we are already married. And don't be so sure you're going to get any
sleep." She smiled.
Ruth put her hand on his penis, which was fully erect.
"I've only felt that in me one time," she
said. "Once is not enough. Not nearly enough."
He moved to get on top of her, but she put a hand on
his chest. She got up on her hands and
knees and arranged him on his back. Then
she straddled him, reaching for his prick, she slotted it in her pussy and
slowly sat down on him, impaling herself.
"Wow," he sighed. "I love this already." His hands reached to mold her breasts as she
experimented with moving on him. What
she ended up liking the most was leaning forward, with her hands on his
shoulders. It both stimulated her clitty
as she rocked, and let her drop a nipple in his mouth.
"I am a dragon rider," she said
softly. "My dragon's name is Ruth,
and he is smart, and brave. I want him
to breathe fire for me." She
whimpered as the orgasm washed over her, and leaned down to kiss him a long,
hot kiss. She discovered muscles she
could squeeze him with, and was elated to feel him buck under her. Wet warmth jetted into her and she pulled her
lips away from his.
"Yesssss, my dragon. Breathe fire into my belly."
She was right.
Her dragon belched fire four more times that night.
And slept very little.
Things began moving rapidly the next day. The kids went to school, as usual. Neither of them said anything to anyone. Petra and Molly took the car and went places
to talk to all sorts of people. They
were lucky that, when they got to Salina, to the office that handled foreign
exchange students, there was an employee there named Jason who was fluent in
Russian. It was Jason, in fact, who was
a buddy of Mr. Tirgarden, the Spanish teacher at the Victorville Consolidated
High School, and who had recorded the words necessary to ask Petra for her
daughter's hand. He didn't know whose
hand was being asked for. He just did a
favor for an old Army buddy. Jason had
been a language specialist in the Army.
So it was good that Jason was there. It was even
better that Petra was there. Best of all
was the fact that Petra had her passport, which proved she was Nadia's
mother. From that point, things went
relatively smoothly. Most of the grease
that smoothed things out was Petra, telling people, through Jason, that her
government did not need to be involved in this situation, because it was a
private one, between her daughter and the Cummins' son. She heartily approved of the union. She even said, "God bless America and
apple pie," in English at one point, to show how much she approved of
things. She was the hit of the day at
the office, maybe even the hit of the decade.
With Petra's permission, and the guidance of the
lawyers who were on retainer for the school system, all the right papers were
filled out and filed. Someone even
thought to make a copy of the certified copy of Nadia's birth certificate,
which was in her file. She handed it to
Petra and said "She'll need that to get the license."
From there it was to the school to withdraw the
teens and take them to the county seat, where the marriage license was applied
for. No one spoke Russian there, but
Petra said, "I am her mudder," and five or ten other English phrases. Both had their passports with them, and
things went smoothly. The kids filled
out the application together and when one box couldn't be explained by Ruth, an
enterprising young woman thought to google "russian/english
translator" and the form was complete twenty minutes later.
After dropping the kids back off at school, the women
visited the Victorville municipal court, and made a tentative appointment for
the judge to conduct the ceremony. They
were told to bring the license down when it was received in the mail, and that
would solidify the tentative plans. They
were then asked to speak with the judge.
He asked Petra if she had really come all the way from Russia to let her
daughter get married. It took a bit of
work, but she eventually got the question.
"Da!" she said. "Yes. For my Nadia to have this,"
she showed the judge her own wedding ring and twisted it on her finger, "for her to marry. I am so happy."
Then he looked at Molly, who he knew was a home town
"How do you feel about this?"
Molly wiped her eye.
"I'm not as happy as I could be.
But I love her and I love my son, and they love each other, and I'll not
have my grandchild raised by a single mother."
"Grandchild," said the judge. "I see." He smiled.
"Very well, then. I hope it
all works out."
"I do too," sighed Molly.
The news of progress was shared during supper. Petra was quite intelligent, never mind her
dearth of formal education. She was
picking up English much faster than Ruth or his parents were picking up
Russian. Nadia still had to translate a lot, but Petra always nodded, confirming that what Molly was saying was
what she understood to be true as well.
"So we could be married within a month,"
said Nadia.
"Yes," said Molly. "Sooner if the license gets here
Nadia looked at Ruth. "Darling, we have much to plan. I think we should discuss this in private ...
in the bedroom."
There was dead silence at the table. Nadia was still looking at Ruth, but the
muscles of her face were almost writhing as she tried to keep from laughing.
"Oh for Pete's sake!" barked Molly. "You're never going to let me forget
that ... are you!"
Then Nadia laughed, and pointed and acted her age,
teasing her soon to be mother-in-law by trying to make the same sounds she had
heard coming from their bedroom. Petra
looked on, a half smile on her face, along with quizzical curiosity, until
Nadia explained the joke. Petra snorted,
turned to Molly and said, "You lucky to have good man."
"Haven't I told you that?" asked Bob,
trying to sound superior.
The cheerful banter went on the rest of the
night. Ruth and Nadia still had to do
homework. Nothing had changed
there. But when they wanted to touch, or
kiss, they got to do that too. The
adults looked on, remembering what it had been like to be so young, and so much
in love.
And when the kids went to bed, hand in hand, Molly
leaned her head on her husband's shoulder and said "You know ... I'm a lot
happier than I should be about all this."
"I know," he said, patting her leg. "It's just one more reason why I love
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