The Exchange Student
by Lubrican
Chapters : Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Epilogue
Chapter Seven
Nadia stood, her feet rising and falling,
almost as if she were running in place, except in slow motion.
Her arms were out, elbows bent, and her hands waved like she was
suggesting a bird's wings during a game of charades. Her cheeks bulged and there was panic in her
eyes. Ruth's eyes were drawn to her
breasts, which wobbled alarmingly.
Her bizarre dance ended suddenly, and
Ruth looked up at her face to see her cheeks return to normal as she
gulped. The hands stopped flapping, and
one came to wipe the back across her lips.
She gasped, her mouth open. He
could see strings of white connecting her upper and lower front teeth, like
some weird spider web. She closed her
mouth and swallowed again.
"You do not taste as good as I
do," she finally managed. Her head
tilted, and she gazed at him. Her eyes
went to his penis, which now lay drunkenly across his abdomen. A small pool of white had oozed from the tip
while she had her ... experience. She
licked her lips again, and then went forward to scoop up the puddle with two
fingers. Looking at them, like she had
looked at those fingers after they had been inside her, she repeated the ritual
of sniffing, and cleaning them in her mouth.
"Actually, it gets better with
time," she said.
She went to him. "This is a very bad thing we have
done. It has awakened a monster in me,
and this monster is hungry. It is hungry
for this." She grasped his limp
cock and pulled it, stretching it from his body.
"You can have that any time you
want," he said weakly.
"The monster doesn't want to eat
you with this mouth." She kissed
him and licked his lips. She could see
him taste himself and react to that.
"There is a different mouth that wants to swallow your cock."
"I thought you said you weren't
ready for that yet," he said.
"I wasn't. That is changing. That is what I'm trying to tell you. This is not a good thing, Ruth."
"We have no gandon."
"It covers your cock, to avoid
making me with child."
"Condom," said Ruth.
"You must get some."
"Okay," he said. What else could he say?
"I think you should get many. Everything you have done to me I have come to
love, like life itself. I am pretty sure
that when we trakhat' I am going to like that very much too."
"Do you think it's wise to go that
far?" asked Ruth.
"I do not think wisdom has anything
to do with it," she said.
She kissed him again, picked up the
sleep set, razor and can of cream, and slipped out of his room.
Bob wasn't sure what had awakened him,
but whatever it was had that insubstantial flavor of discomfort to it, like a
wrong noise.
He heard the squeak of protesting
floorboards somewhere in the house.
That, in itself wasn't strange.
It happened all the time. He
didn't think that was what aroused him.
He glanced at the clock. It was
half an hour past midnight. There came
another squeak, and it occurred to him that the only person who usually got up
in the middle of the night and walked around was him, thanks to a prostate that
was slightly enlarged.
He didn't think anybody had snuck into
the house, but there was a good looking young woman living with them now, and
he had an obligation to make sure, so he got up. He had only one gun in the house and, in line
with current safety thinking, it was locked away, separated from the
ammunition, and with a trigger lock on it.
It occurred to him that it was of absolutely no use, and that perhaps he
needed to think about that in the future.
There was a softball bat in his closet, though. He'd taken it away from Ruth years ago when
he caught the boy hitting rocks with it.
He retrieved the bat and tiptoed to the door. Opening it only half way, he slipped into the
Almost immediately he heard another
floor squeak, this time in the same hallway he was standing in. He evaluated that squeak and determined that
it was not near the bathroom that Ruth and Nadia shared. Therefore, there was no legitimate reason for
a foot to have made it. He had no idea
what was going on. But he intended to
find out. He reached for the switch that
turned on the hallway lights and, gripping the bat tighter, lifted it to
shoulder height.
Then he flipped the switch.
The light both blinded and startled
Nadia, who shrieked in fear and confusion.
Her vision cleared about the same time as Bob's and they stood, ten feet
apart, staring at each other.
The bat sagged do the floor as he stared
at her naked glory. He paid no attention
to what was in her hands. The door
behind him opened and Molly charged through.
"What's going on?" she demanded.
Ruth came hurtling through his
door. He hadn't had time to put anything
on, and his naked penis flopped between his legs.
Nadia stood, almost frozen, but her
hands slowly brought the clothing in them to cover her breasts. It left her newly shaved pussy on full
display, though.
"Nadia?" came Molly's
voice. Then "Why do you have a bat,
Bob?" And finally "Why is
everybody naked?"
Bob looked down at his naked body. He looked back up at Nadia. He turned around.
"I heard a sound. I investigated. I'm going back to the bedroom." He was already half hard, and pushed past
his wife. She was equally naked. They had made love earlier, and neither of
them wanted to get up to put something on.
Both loved to sleep together naked anyway.
But Molly had no erection to embarrass
her. Moreover, she knew that Ruth,
unlike his parents, didn't sleep in the raw.
And Nadia was closer to Ruth's room than her own. She looked over her
shoulder to the room Nadia had been given.
The door to that room was standing half open. The light was off in
"Houston, we have a problem,"
she said softly.
Three of them sat around the kitchen
table. Bob fussed with the carafe of
freshly brewed coffee and then brought it to the table, poured, and sat
down. It was almost one in the morning,
but it was technically Saturday, so the impromptu family meeting wouldn't have
an impact on normal life. Whatever that
was. It was, in fact, the definition of
"normal life" that was being established, in a way.
Bob was dressed in pajama bottoms. Molly had thrown on a robe. Due to the energy with which she had called
the meeting, Ruth was only wearing his underwear. Nadia had on the maroon sleep set. The razor and can of shaving cream were
sitting in the middle of the table.
Molly had already experienced a plethora
of emotions about the whole situation, both positive and negative. She liked Nadia ... a lot. She'd never had a daughter, and having Nadia
there had fulfilled some desire deep inside her to have close communion with
another woman. At the same time she
realized the potential for what could actually turn into an international
incident. Not that there would be a war
about it, but it could still have an intensely negative impact on a lot of
people. Thinking of Nadia as her own
daughter, she had a pretty good idea of how Nadia's real mother was going to
react, but at the same time she was Ruth's mother, and part of her heart was
joyous for him, because any boy would be incredibly lucky to have formed that
kind of relationship with a girl like Nadia.
It was reflecting on these and other thoughts, that had settled her
"Start at the beginning," she said.
Nadia had been reflecting on things too. Her emotions weren't quite so tumultuous as
Molly's. The thought of an international
incident never entered her mind, except that she knew her mother would not make
problems. That was for two reasons. First, her mother would probably be delighted
that she was moving toward providing grandchildren. But even more important, her mother didn't
want the Russian government to take notice of her at all. No ... what Nadia was worried about was
being sent away. And she wasn't stupid,
by any means. So when she spoke, it was
with at least the beginnings of a plan in her mind.
"The first night I was here," she said,
"Ruth was explaining things to me, and showing me the farm. We came back to the house, and heard you
crying out. We were afraid someone had
broken in, and were coming to your aid, when we found that your moans were not
from being attacked."
Molly looked startled. "What?"
Now Ruth spoke.
"We ... um ... sort of saw you and dad ... in the bedroom."
Molly bowed her head, leaning it against a raised hand,
as if she were shading her eyes.
"Oh good grief," she said.
"And since then, we have heard you other
times," said Nadia, helpfully.
"One of the things I learned was what Bob meant when he said he
needed to speak with you privately in the bedroom."
"Oh good grief!" moaned Molly,
still shading her eyes. Then she looked
up. Her face was flushed, but her eyes
were sharp. "Is that why you decided to say Ruth was your boyfriend?"
"No," said Nadia. "The reasons for that I already told
you, and that was the truth. But as I
met more and more boys, I soon learned that Ruth was much more desirable than
any of them. He was always kind to me,
and polite, and caring. He answered my
questions, and did not try to have sex with me."
"That's not what it looked like tonight,"
said Molly.
"You said to start from the beginning,"
said Nadia, her head held high.
"You're right," admitted Molly. "Go on."
"Many boys tried to get me to have sex with
them. They were crude. I didn't like
them. I didn't want to have sex with
anybody. That was not why I came
here. I wanted to study, and learn
English and find out about America. And
those are the things that Ruth is helping me do, and I came to like him very
much. I talked to many girls too, and
some of them talked about their boyfriends.
Many of them had complaints. But
the things they complained about were not things Ruth did. I grew to learn that, if Ruth had been my real boyfriend, I would be a very lucky girl."
Molly held up one hand. "I understand how attractive my son
is. Speaking of which, I'd like to hear
from my son, who I would have sworn I had taught to respect women, rather than
taking advantage of them."
"I did respect her!" said Ruth. "I explained things to her, and told her
how to avoid being victimized by guys who just wanted to get in her
"So you could get in her pants," said his
"It wasn't like that!" he insisted.
"He is being truthful," said Nadia. "It was my fault."
"Don't try to tell me you seduced my son,"
said Molly.
"I don't know this word, seduced. All I can say
is that I did what the girls told me I should do."
"What girls?"
"Tiffany and Maria were two of them," she
said. "They helped me at WalMart to
pick out things to wear for my boyfriend.
This is one of them." She
plucked at the top of her sleep set. In
this light both Ruth and Bob realized they could see the pink of her nipples
through the cloth. "It was only then
that I let him see me like a real girlfriend lets her boyfriend see her."
Molly took a breath.
As a parent she wanted to scream.
But as a woman, she was curious about what American girls had told this
one. Additionally, it might just spread
the blame a little bit.
"Please tell me about that," she said.
So Nadia described how she was told to appear before
Ruth in her new bra and panties, and how to expose her breasts. Nadia talked about how that made her feel,
and how comfortable she felt doing something she'd never done before, but only
because it was Ruth. She freely admitted
that she had wanted to see and touch Ruth's manhood, and about how it had
Bob groaned and now it was him shading his eyes,
looking at the table.
Molly let her talk, because Nadia didn't seem loath
to hold anything back. She spoke of
recognizing the dangers, and of trying to pull back. She even recognized that it was Ruth
cooperating with her desire to slow down, that made her want to speed up again.
And that got them to the events of the previous
When Bob heard about what she went to Ruth to help
her with, he broke.
"I'm sorry," he rasped. "I have to go." He lurched to his feet, his hands covering
his groin, and shuffled out of the kitchen at a half run.
By the time Molly heard the rest of it, she was
ready to join her husband.
"And you did not have intercourse," she
"I don't know that word," said Nadia
"I think you called it track-hat," said
Ruth, his voice soft.
Nadia remembered the English word now, but she knew
it was considered vulgar by some. Still
it was the only word she had at the moment.
"We did not ... fuck," she said. "I told him we must have gandon
"Condom," whispered Ruth, who was amazed
both that this conversation was taking place at all, and because his parents
were not reacting at all like he had thought they would.
"Thank goodness for that," sighed
Molly. She sat back in her chair. She looked down to confirm that her nipples
were rock hard, but the robe didn't let that show.
"We did not intend for this to happen,"
said Nadia.
"I know," said Molly. "But it has, and this has to be
addressed. I'm afraid your mother must
be told, so that decisions can be made."
"I can call her right now," said Nadia.
"I thought you might resist doing that,"
said Molly.
"Why would I?" asked the girl. She was thinking like a Russian now, and it
didn't occur to her that a Russian mother might react differently than an
American one, to a situation like this.
Molly got the phone and handed it to her guest.
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