The Exchange Student

by Lubrican

Chapters : Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Epilogue

Chapter One

Nadia's dream of going to America to study had finally come true. She had been assigned to a family in the small town of Victorville, Kansas, where she would be roommates with an American girl her age, named Ruth. She had studied all the information she could find about Kansas, though she was not able to find anything in the books in Russia about any place called Victorville. She knew the town was very small, but she didn't mind that. She came from Koda, in Krasnoyarsk Krai, which was a small river village. She knew how to live in a small town.

Nadia had been required to work to help support her family since she was about eight, after her father was sent to Afghanistan and never came back. She was pretty sure she wouldn't have to work in America, and she looked forward to being able to concentrate on improving her English and making good grades in her year of American high school. It was important that she make good grades. If she did, it would help her in her attempts to get a seat at university when she got back.

Truth be told, there was one other thing Nadia hoped would happen. She hoped to make some friends too, starting with Ruth. Her grandmother had said that girls were the same the world over, and she hoped so. And everyone knew that American girls were smarter and more worldly than any other, which was also good. There were so many things Nadia wanted to know that her mother and grandmother wouldn't talk about. All they ever said was "You'll understand and know what to do when the time is right."

Of course it went without saying that she hoped to finally find out what America was like. She had been told all sorts of things about America. One old grandmother, her face hidden in a hood, had whispered that sometimes Americans ate their babies. She didn't believe that, but she also didn't really know what to expect.

Her mother spoke of how there would be odd customs, and how Nadia should always follow whatever traditions her host family followed. After all, she would be living with them for an entire year, which could be torture if they became disappointed with her. The last advice her mother gave her just before she boarded the boat that would take her to the city where the airplanes were, was, "Do whatever it takes to make your host family happy, no atter how strange it may seem." So, on the long plane flight to America, Nadia repaired herself to go along with American customs, even though she might not understand them.

She prepared herself to leave Russian ways behind. She tried to convince herself that an inquisitive smile would be the best way to get people to explain things. Then she could think of nothing except what the world looked like from high in the air. She couldn't believe the huge metal tube she was riding in could stay in the air. But going over the ocean got boring after a while, and she was able to think about America again. By the time her flight landed, she had practiced her smile until her face hurt. She was sure she was prepared for her first day in America.

What she was not prepared for was that Ruth, her new roommate, and anticipated confidante, turned out to be a boy.

Of course, it was actually an understandable mistake. What boy anywhere in the world would be named "Ruth"? His father had always been a bit of a maverick, and people who knew him were aware of that. Still, when he proudly introduced his new son, there was the inevitable question: "Where the hell did that come from?" He had explained that so many times that he could explain it in thirty seconds, assuming someone could understand very rapid speech. And, truth be told, people got used to it pretty easily. He'd been in the same school system his whole life, and by now nobody thought about it as an odd name. He simply was Ruth, to them.

And so Ruth's household was approved for a female exchange student, even though Ruth Cummins was in no way female. As for the Cummins family, the only information they had received as that "N. Valovitski, age 17, flight 3205, Moscow to KCI" would be arriving at Kansas City International Airport at 5:00 PM on the 4th.

So, Bob Cummins and his son Ruth were standing by the exit ramp where flight 3205 had just parked and were waiting for "N. Valovitski", who they thought was a boy. They had made a sign with that name on it, which Ruth was holding up as high as he could. Bob and Ruth had made a bet that each of them would be the first to recognize their Russian visitor.

Neither won.

Both, however, did notice the gorgeous platinum blond girl with the high, Slavic cheekbones and the breasts that were a baby's dream bounce out of the door. Both had a quick and silent fantasy about climbing aboard this girl's naked body and planting their engorged pricks deep in her undoubtedly bald pussy. She was Playboy material.

Both were a little surprised that the vision of loveliness looked around and then fixed her eyes on them. Both were a lot surprised when she began walking toward them. And both were speechless when she stopped in front of them, looking up at the sign and said in very careful but accented English, the phrase she'd worked so hard to memorize: "Hello, I'm Nadia Valovitski. Where is Ruth, please?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had gone wrong. Bob figured it out first, but couldn't believe that such a mistake had actually happened. He didn't know how the original designation of "Ruth Cummins" had been switched from male to female, but the rest of it, after that point, was pretty well explained by it.

Bob showed the girl the address on his driver's license, and compared that to the paperwork she had with her. It took some time, but with patience and several tries, enough communication took place such that Bob, Ruth and Nadia all understood that she had not made a mistake, and they had not made a mistake (or tried to kidnap her) and that some phone calls were going to have to be made to straighten everything out.

Finally Nadia looked at the two men and said, "Okay ... so I go with you?"

Of course, to be honest, neither Bob nor Ruth minded. Nadia was such a blatantly beautiful girl, and her accent was so sexy, to say nothing of her knockout body, that they loved being around her. And, as far as Nadia was concerned, if all American men were as good looking and nice as the two she'd met so far, she was going to have a hard time keeping her legs closed. She was a virgin, but only barely. She had an uncle in Russia who, when she turned fourteen and bulged in all the right places, taught her how good it felt for those places to be touched by a man. He'd progressed to preparing to suck on her distended little clitty when her mother had discovered what was happening. After some screaming, the uncle had left, never to be seen again. But he had awakened something in Nadia that was never quite put back to sleep. She hadn't had time for boys in her drive to get the grades necessary to become an exchange student. She was a regular masturbator, and had hoped that her new roommate would be too. But all that would have to be dealt with later. Now, they had to figure out what to do.

Obviously, she had to stay with them until the appropriate offices and people could be notified, and the screw-up could be un-screwed. It being Saturday morning, that meant she'd have to spend the weekend at Ruth's house. Then, Monday, they'd find out where she was really supposed to be.

To be perfectly honest, Nadia was just as happy to go with the flow herself. She wanted to make new friends, even if it was only for a short time. And both the cute boy and his handsome father, she decided, would be the first friends she made. This would make a great story to tell her grandchildren, some day.

She was amazed at how happy and relaxed all the people she saw looked, even though they were hurrying here and there in the airport. When they left it she gazed out the windows of the car and marveled at how spread out everything was in Kansas City. Then they took her through the plains of Kansas and she marveled again at how much it looked like the Ukraine. Finally they arrived at little Victorville and she fell in love with the town immediately. There was a little town square with old cottonwood trees surrounding it, and old buildings all around.

"Will I get to see any wild Indians?" she asked, leaning forward between the bucket seats. Ruth started to laugh, but stopped himself.

"Those are just stories from the past now," he said. His eyes dropped from her eyes and fell to her cleavage. It was very nice cleavage. Ruth was shy for a boy - one reason his parents had volunteered for the exchange program. They hoped he would come out of his shell a little with a new friend he could teach all about America.

Nadia saw his eyes drop and she knew where he was looking. For some reason that reassured her. The men back home in Russia looked at her exactly the same way, but they often pinched her bottom or made lewd suggestions about what they could do for ten minutes. Knowing that American men were like Russian men in some ways made her feel less like she was in a strange country. But Ruth made no rude suggestions. Instead he averted his eyes and went on. "There are still Indian tribes, and many of them live in places called reservations, but they dress like us now, and have jobs and all that. Maybe we can drive through one of them while you're here, so you can see."

They drove on through the town and into the country again. The Cummins farm was a family farming operation, raising a few cattle, hogs, chickens and three horses. They owned 2000 acres of tillable land, but rented that out to a wheat farmer. The old farm house was almost invisible inside its sheltering ring of Cottonwoods and Cedar trees. She was ecstatic to see that they had a swimming pool in the back of the house. She rarely got to swim outdoors in Russia. A nice looking woman with a lean body, dressed in jeans and a T shirt was standing on the back porch. She watched as the three got out of the car, with Nadia's carry-on and walked toward the house.

"Well, here comes trouble," she smiled. "Let me guess ... you must be N. Valovitski". She ran an appraising eye up and down Nadia's brick shithouse body and laughed. She turned to Ruth. "Well, I guess the next words out of your mouth are going to be, "Look what I found Mom ... can I keep her?"

Ruth blushed furiously. Nadia understood the words, but not the meaning. Her obviously puzzled look brought the woman's attention back to her. She stuck out a calloused hand and said, "Hi. I'm Molly Cummins. Welcome to our home."

Nadia reached out and took the hand firmly, shaking it violently up and down. "I am Nadia and I'm very happy to meet you," she said in her well-practiced voice. "There has been a mistake I think," she went on, proud that she could form the sentence.

Molly heard the accent, and the melodious voice and knew instantly that interesting things were going to happen around this girl. She glanced at her son, who had a slack-jawed look on his face as he stared at the beautiful girl. Then she glanced at her husband and saw the look on his face. She'd seen that look on his face before, when her sister had come to visit one time, just before she'd walked in on them fucking like rabbits in the barn. She hadn't minded then, really, as long as it was only her sister. She and her sister had some fun once in a while too. And, as she looked at this delicious slice of Russian girl/woman, she thought she might enjoy tasting a little Russian pussy juice too. She couldn't blame her boys for their reaction. The girl was gorgeous.

"We couldn't just leave her at the airport," said her husband.

"Of course not," said his wife, smiling. "Nadia, you are welcome to stay with us as long as it takes to get things straightened out." Then, as she ushered them all inside to the kitchen, where she'd prepared a welcoming banquet, she whispered to her husband "Behave yourself dear. I'll fuck you silly tonight ... I promise."

He grinned sheepishly and whispered back "You'd better."

After dinner Ruth took Nadia to show her the spare bedroom, where she'd be sleeping for the weekend, and then took her out and showed her the farm. She was impressed with everything, but most of all she was impressed with Ruth. He was intelligent, and fun to be with, even if he was so shy he didn't seem to be able to look at her. When he did look at her she clearly saw the desire in his eyes, and it made her stomach feel fluttery. When she'd seen the last barn, and collected the last egg, the two teens headed back into the house. They were on the back porch, with the kitchen door open, when they heard a scream of pain.

"That's my mother's voice!" said Ruth. "Something's wrong!"

Nadia started to run forward, but Ruth stopped her. "Somebody may have broken in while we were gone. We have to be careful." He went to the counter and got a big butcher knife. He handed that to Nadia and then went to the pantry, returning with a ball bat. "Careful now," he whispered. The two youths crept through the house toward the sound, which had altered to a series of moans. The sounds were coming from the spare room.

"Fuck!" came a shout in Molly's voice. "You bastard" she shouted again.

Ruth was very worried now. He tried to peek around the door.

"Take that you horny bitch!" came a deep male voice.

Ruth and Nadia charged into the room to save Molly. What they found was a very naked Molly under the equally naked body of her husband. He happened to be in the act of fucking her brains out. Neither of them saw the two kids.

Molly had subsided to moaning again. "Oh, you bastard, you're killing me!" she shouted again. Then, in a more normal voice she went on "You haven't been like this in years. And all because of that luscious Russian beauty. You had to take me on her bed, didn't you? You're probably thinking about her right now you prick!"

"No!" he grunted back "Maybe a little ... Oh man you feel good Molly ... Okay, yes, I admit it. But you know I love you, baby. It's just a little fantasy. I just can't help it, baby," he cried out.

"You just keep going like you are, Bob," Molly urged him. "Just love me good and I'll forgive you."

Both teens had stopped just inside the door. They looked comical, she with a huge knife in her hand, and he with the bat. They could clearly see Bob's big thick cock pistoning in and out of Molly's pussy. She was straining up against him as he rodded her out. Just then Bob slammed in hard and froze there. His butt cheeks did a funny little flex thing and Molly rasped "Shoot it in me, big boy... shoot in her, you bastard ... you pervert!"

Ruth looked at Nadia. Her mouth was open and her eyes were wide. She was staring at the sight before her. He looked back just in time to see his father pull out and then slide back in, grunting. He did it again and a ring of thick white built up around his cock where it entered Molly. He was obviously cumming in her. Nadia grabbed his hand and dragged him backwards, into the hall. She was breathing heavily. "They are having the sex ... yes?" she said breathlessly.

"Um, yeah, they are." he said back.

"And he is wishing to be having the sex with me, yes?" she said.

Ruth didn't know quite how to answer that. Any man would like to have sex with Nadia. He decided to stick to the truth. "Well, probably any man would like to have sex with you."

"Why is this?" she went on, pulling him down the hall toward his room.

"Well, because you're beautiful ... and sexy." said Ruth, amazed at the conversation he was having.

"So you wish to be having sex with me too?" she said.

"Uh no, of course not!" said Ruth valiantly.

"Why not?" she said, trying to understand. " Are you the ..." She struggled for the right word, and then finally remembered it. "homo - sexual?"

"No!" he whispered forcefully. "It's just that ... well ... of course I want to have sex with you, but I can't admit that I want to have sex with you. It's not polite to just tell somebody you want to have sex with them."

"Oh," she said. "This is very confusing."

Ruth stared at her. There was a cultural difference working here. He lost some of his shyness, realizing that with this girl he could be completely frank and honest, and she wouldn't be upset. He pulled her farther away from the room where noisy sex was going on.

"Okay, here's how it works. When a man sees a beautiful woman, he's interested in sex. It's that way everywhere ... Russia too, right?" She nodded. "But in America a man is supposed to court the woman ... take her on dates ... buy her presents ... stuff like that. Then, after they've done all that he can try to have sex with her. Maybe she'll let him, and maybe she won't. Isn't it like that in Russia too?"

Nadia frowned. "It is like that some. We too go on dates, but that is just to have fun. If a man wants to have sex with a woman he just says so and she decides yes or not. Or her parents decide yes or not. Why would you say you do not want to have sex with me, if you do want to have sex with me?"

"Well, I was just trying to be polite. I mean we don't just ask like that here. Not openly. I'm sorry if I did something wrong." Ruth didn't know how to proceed. "And we weren't supposed to see them doing that. They were playing a game ... having a fantasy ... make believe ... you understand?"

She smiled. "Yes, I know of the fantasy. I do many times when I please myself. So your Papa would like to have the sex with me, but he plays the game with your Mama. And she plays the game too, yes?"

Ruth smiled with relief. "Yes, it's just a game. You don't have to be afraid of him. He won't try anything with you, I promise."

"Oh." she said again. "That's too bad. He has a very nice ... how you say? ... cock? He might be fun to have the sex with."

Ruth was astounded. "So you've had the .. I mean sex before?"

"No, not really. My uncle touched me and wanted to have the - how you say - blow job with me, but that was all."

Now Ruth didn't know what to say. He felt his own prick start stiffening as he saw in his mind's eye this beautiful girl with her lips wrapped around a man's erection. "Did you want to give him a blow job?" he asked, without really thinking about it first.

"He said it would feel very good, and that I would love it when he put his tongue on my piz'da ... how you say ... poosy? But them my mama found us and made him stop. She was very angry."

"His tongue ... on your poosy ... oh! Pussy!" Ruth finally figured out that for her, "blow job" simply meant oral sex. That brought another series of interesting images to his head. "Well, here in America you need to be a little careful about saying you want to have sex. If you do that there will be ten boys and fifteen men lined up all wanting to help you with that."

She laughed, but that conversation actually defined their relationship. After that they could and did talk about anything. Much to Nadia's delight, within the next 48 hours, she learned that her English was much better than she had hoped for, and that learning more wasn't as hard as she had feared it would be. All in all, she felt like her foray into being an exchange student was going very well indeed.

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