Helping Sis Pick A Dress
by Lubrican
Chapters : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Chapter Seven
I thought about lying on my bed naked. I was pretty sure she
wasn't going to last long, trying to be mad at me. I mean if she really was
serious about the baby thing (mind explodes with a silent pheow!) then
there was no way she could resist me for any extended period of time. As for
the baby thing (mind explodes again) I didn't know what to think. Before she
got the ring, while we had waited tensely for her friend to arrive and were
worried she might be pregnant, I had thought about that a lot. My mind had
played out various scenarios, most of which didn't end happily. In fact, the
only one that did end "happily" was the one where we ran away
together and pretended to be married and she had the baby and we lived together
after that. Of course, in that one, we never saw our parents or extended family
again, so it wasn't all that great an ending.
I was pretty sure she'd examined the options, too, and it
was likely she'd run into all the same dead ends I had, so for her to say she
wanted to get pregnant with my baby meant she was stressed out to the max.
She'd always been emotional, which might be why she got emotional about me
getting a boner for her way back, when all she wanted was for me to tell her
what outfit looked hot for her dates. I knew she'd get over it, sooner or
later. She wasn't an idiot. She knew I couldn't go fathering children on her
willy nilly.
Anyway, I decided that if she came to my room and found me naked,
she might think I had an overinflated sense of my worth, so I put on some
shorts and a tank top. I was reading when she did, in fact, open my door and
come in. I say I was reading, but I couldn't concentrate on the book. I kept
trying to figure out what was going through her mind. I mean how did she think
getting pregnant would solve anything or make things better? She was
complaining about me going away when all this came out, right? And if I got her
pregnant, then I'd be going away for a lot longer than four years, and it
wouldn't be to college, right?
She had elected to get dressed, too, also in shorts. Her T
shirt made it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. I loved it when her nipples
imprinted on whatever top she was wearing. Our mother did not.
"Are you mad at me?" she asked, softly.
"I thought it was the other way around," I said.
She came to the bed and sat on the edge.
"I just miss you," she said.
"Cathy, I'm not even gone!" I groaned.
"I know that!" she snapped. "But you will
be. And I'll be miserable, and I know that, so I feel it already."
"What do you want me to do?" I asked. "You
want me to give up on college and stay here and get a job at Wendy's?"
"No," she replied, her voice surly.
"Well then, what?"
"If I knew that, I wouldn't feel like this," she
"I have an idea," I said.
"How about we don't make a baby until at least
after college," I said.
She stared at me for so long that I started thinking I had
screwed up somehow. I bet she just stared like that for two or three minutes.
Finally she spoke.
"Are you saying that, after college, you would
be willing to get me pregnant?"
I sensed danger, but I couldn't identify it. It was like I
was in the dark, and felt some malevolent entity out there that wanted to eat
me, but I didn't know which direction it was, or what it looked like, or how to
protect myself.
"Maybe," I said, trying to get more information.
She was just looking at me again.
"Can I ask a question?" I asked. She nodded so I
went on. "Can you help me understand why you want me to get you
"Because I love you, you dope!" she said,
"I get that part," I said. "And I love you,
too. But how does having a baby help you to not miss me when I go to
"I don't know," she said, slumping. "I guess
I thought it would be like having a little piece of you with me, even though
you were gone."
"You know I can come home now and then," I
said. "It's not like I'm joining the military and going on overseas tours
for years at a time."
"I know," she moaned. "I just know I'm going
to be miserable." She looked at me intently. "But if I knew that,
after we got through college, I could actually live with you, then having your
baby then would make me very happy, Bobby, happy enough that I think I could stand
you being away from me for one year of college."
"Where did all this having my baby stuff come
from?" I asked.
She leaned toward me.
"I just told you. It's because I love you." She
sat back up. "I think I've wanted to have your baby since I was, like,
I was astonished.
"Thirteen?" My voice was weak.
"Yeah, about then," she said. "I looked at
all the brothers of my friends, and they were all dicks. But you were nice. And
then I went to that stupid sleepover at Mandy's and Crystal told me about how
her brother had been fucking her for years and about how fantastic it was, and
I got all confused about you. And then you got boners for me, and that made me
feel even more confused, because I loved it and I knew I wasn't supposed
to love it, but Crystal loved it and she seemed completely
normal, and she said she wanted to have David's baby and that made me think
about having your baby."
She had to stop because she'd run out of breath. She took a
deep one, but didn't go on.
"I see," I said, for lack of anything else to say.
"I think maybe that's why I asked you to help me pick
out a dress and got naked in front of you," she said. "I didn't think
that back then, but now, I kind of think that's what was going on."
I was thinking about how she had acted, back then.
"You seemed pretty disgusted, as I recall," I
"That's how I was supposed to feel," she
sighed. "Except Crystal wasn't disgusted. And she seemed so normal!"
"So this is all Crystal's fault?"
"No." She looked at me. "It's your
fault. If you hadn't been such a good brother none of this would have
"If I had been a good brother I wouldn't have gotten
boners for you," I said.
"I'm pretty sure I wanted you to get boners for
me," she argued.
"So this is all your fault?"
She ignored that.
"Do you love me?" she asked.
"Of course I do. You know that," I replied.
"Well, then, we have to figure out a way to keep being
happy, because I'm really happy right now, but I know if I don't have you I won't
be happy."
I thought for a minute.
"Okay," I finally said. "Let's look at this
logically, instead of emotionally. Before all this happened, did you think it would
"Of course not," she said.
"Okay, so you didn't think this could happen, but then
it did. And now you don't think you'll be happy when I go to college, but isn't
it possible that, just like you adapted to us being ... um ... closer than most
siblings ... you might be able to adapt to me not being here all the time? I mean
you will get to see me sometimes, and like I said, you could go
to college at the same school, and we'd be together again. So maybe it won't be
as bad as you think it will."
She rolled her eyes.
"I'm in love with you, you dope. Do you think I'll just
fall out of love? Do you think we'll break up like you were some random
boyfriend or something? And if you fall in love with some girl, do you think
I'll be all happy for you? Would you be happy if I decided I was going
to let Jeff Hancock fuck me?"
I had to suppress the urge to kill Jeff Hancock, who she had
gone out with a couple of times. After those dates she'd been extra horny and
we'd made love with maybe a little extra passion.
"We can't get married," I said. "As much as I
wish we could, you know we can't do that. And if we live together and you start
popping out babies, somebody's going to notice that, especially Mom and Dad. So
how do you figure to explain that?"
"I don't know," she groaned. "I just know
what I want."
"Well if you're ever going to get what you want, then
we need to be smart about it, and having a baby right now wouldn't be the
smartest thing you've ever done."
"I know that, too," she said. "I think I just
"Okay," I said.
She reached to run one finger down my chest.
"Can I go for a ride now on my stallion?"
"Can I check to make sure your ring is still in?"
I teased.
She took off her T shirt and let me look at her breasts.
"I'd be unhappy if you didn't," she said.
Her emotional crisis passed, but another one exploded, and
it almost ruined everything as much as her belly swelling would have.
Gina, under pressure from two cheerleaders, wrote a
prescription for Oxycontin.
It was the star running back on the football team that
handed the prescription to a pharmacist. He thought he was being clever by
going to Granite Springs, where he thought nobody would know him. It was
precisely because the pharmacist didn't know him, and because it
was a paper prescription, and because it was from a doctor in a
different town that questions popped into the pharmacist's mind.
So he called the doctor who had prescribed the opioid and
asked him to confirm it.
To say the shit hit the fan is like saying shooting your
foot with a nail gun hurts.
Long story short, there was a big investigation and Gina
caved and confessed. They interviewed her and she admitted to everything. She
named a few names, but because Cathy was her only real friend, she left us out
of it. Of course the investigators looked at every prescription for
birth control "Gina's dad" had ever written, and started interviewing
'co-conspirators' for the legal proceedings to come.
And one day, an investigator showed up at the house to
confirm that our parents knew about Cathy's prescription for birth control.
Which, of course, they did not.
I was not privy to the conversations that took place between
Cathy and our parents, but of course she told me about them.
She admitted that she was sexually active, but refused to
say who with. My dad wasn't impressed. His baby girl had been soiled and he
wanted blood. The term "whore" was bandied about, until Mom yelled at
him and reminded him that they'd had sex long before they got married.
He settled down, but then said that until she was eighteen,
she had to obey his rules, and a new rule was that she was forbidden to date
until she graduated and moved out on her own.
Mom, being less emotional about it, and remembering her own
youth, took Cathy to our doctor (not Gina's dad) and after a very thorough
exam, he wrote her a legitimate prescription for the ring. I think Mom knew
that once a girl is sexually active, she stays sexually active. There
was a lot of unannounced checking up on Cathy, to make sure she was in her room
and hadn't sneaked out. Obviously, that put a big dent in our nighttime
A month later, Mom got Dad to relent, and she was allowed to
date again ... as long as it was a double date, and I was the guy with the
other date.
So for two months, every time Cathy went on a date, I was on
the same date with another girl, chaperoning my sister.
We had fun, but not as much fun as if we'd been on dates by
ourselves. It wasn't great for the guy she was out with, or the girl I was out
with, either.
And then Cathy got the bright idea for us to go on double
dates that were fake. In other words, we'd leave the house together to go on
our double date, except that we just didn't go pick up anybody else.
Finally, we had alone time again, together. Of course it was
the middle of winter, so there were no blankets under the stars, where we could
roll around and fuck each other senseless. There was a lot of oral sex, but we
already knew that intercourse just didn't work well in a car. At least not in
our car.
It was April before she just couldn't take it anymore and
snuck into my room in the middle of the night.
We had to put a pillow over her face, because she started
getting loud.
Graduation was emotional. I had spent so much time reminding
Cathy that we had plenty of time before I left, that I sort of lost track of
how quickly that time was passing. Plus everything was in turmoil because of
the investigation. It had been a scandal all over town, because even though all
the principals involved were juveniles, and their identities were shielded from
the public, the rumor mill in town made sure that information got out.
Naturally, any girl who got a birth control prescription from Gina was assumed
to be a slut of the first magnitude, and that appellation got attached to some
girls who, before this, were believed to be innocent, virgin angels. Like two
daughters of ministers in town, for example.
So our routine had been thoroughly disrupted, so thoroughly
that Cathy actually found out she could go without sex for quite a
while. I, on the other hand, always had my ... hand. It wasn't as good as a nice
soak in Cathy's hot pussy, but it got the job done. Cathy, at least for the
first month or two, never knew when a parent would open the door without
knocking and check on her.
Then, I think more from desperation than anything else,
Cathy got a summer job. She worked at the city pool, checking people in and
issuing baskets for them to put their clothes in and all that. It was a full time job. I worked part time for a
construction company, cleaning up job sites, throwing the stuff I cleaned up
into big dumpsters. I also unloaded lumber deliveries and that sort of thing.
If the weather was good, I might work a twelve hour day. If the weather was
bad, I stayed home.
I had applied to and was accepted by the college in our
state that was called "The teacher's college." That's because they
specialized in turning out teachers. They had lots of other majors, of course,
but because of Mr. Zalinski, our high school science teacher, who was the
coolest guy I knew, I had decided I wanted to be a science teacher, too. I had
decided I was going to major in secondary education.
So, in August, after a "last summer" that didn't
meet my expectations at all (and didn't meet Cathy's either), I went off to
live in a dorm room and get on the path to my first career.
I got emails from Cathy daily. The first month it was almost
always about how lonely she was, and how she cried sometimes at night. She
didn't say anything about dating, but I knew my dad, and I was pretty sure
that, if I wasn't there to chaperone her, Cathy wasn't spending any time with
boys away from school. When October rolled around her emails got less dark, and
she started writing about what her friends were doing, and what was going on at
school. She wanted to try out for a part in the musical that year, but Dad said
no. He wasn't letting her have that much freedom, where she might succumb to
her base nature and let some boy fuck her. She mentioned several times that she
was looking forward to seeing me at Thanksgiving. Meanwhile I paid attention in
class and read all my assignments. I went to the student union pretty
regularly, especially on weekends, and got fairly good at eight ball. I met
some interesting girls, but it felt like cheating to think about going out with
them, so I only talked to them, also mostly at the union. I also worked part
time on work study for university services, which took care of the apartments
they had for married and foreign students. I started in plumbing, which I
thought would teach me something about plumbing, but it was almost all
unplugging toilets, so I managed to get a transfer to the team that took out
old carpeting and installed new.
Then Thanksgiving got there and I went home for the first
time since I left home.
I got there on a Tuesday night, because I had to take a bus
to get home. I didn't have my own car. Luckily, Dad was home this year. There
had been times in the past where he was too far away when the holiday got there
to be able to come home. This year, though, he had four days off and picked me
up at the bus station. He seemed normal. He asked me how school was and I said
fine, and when I asked how everything at home was, he said fine, and it didn't
occur to me until much later that his reticence to talk might be rooted in the
fact that he hadn't gone to college and already thought of me as much more
educated than he'd ever be. We got over that, eventually, but it made the ride
home seem off somehow.
Cathy's reception for me was strangely muted, especially
since she had recently said in an email that she couldn't wait for me to get
home. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the side of the neck, and then said she
had homework to do and disappeared. My room was unchanged, though Mom said
something about turning it into a sewing room. What with her job and night
classes, I wondered when she thought she'd have time to sew, but I knew she had
a sewing machine and had repaired a lot of my clothes when I was younger, so I
didn't ask questions. Dad made it clear he expected me not to be like other
kids my age, who hung around home for years after high school and "mooched
off their parents," as he put it.
It was actually kind of weird being home. I had nothing to
do. A year before this, I would have had homework myself, or maybe gone to hang
out with friends (or been in bed with Cathy) but now I felt like a visitor. So
I sat down in front of the TV and watched a movie on Netflix. About halfway
through it, Cathy plopped down beside me on the couch and asked me what I was
watching. She sounded so much like a normal sister that I raised one eyebrow
when I looked at her.
"Act normal," she whispered. Then, in a normal
voice, she said, "So, is it a big secret or something? What are you
It happened to be a standup performance by Ricky Gervais,
who I had always found to be both disturbing and entertaining. He has such a
different outlook on life. So I told her who it was and she sat there and
watched with me. Mom had gone to class, and Dad was sitting at the computer
looking for a load to pick up when he went back to work. The next day was
Wednesday, and nobody had said anything about special plans. If it was like
years past, Mom would get up early on Thursday morning and put the turkey in the
oven, and then spend hours getting everything else ready while Dad and I
watched football.
So when Cathy yelled at Dad, asking him if I could take her
to the mall, I thought she was just bored. But then Dad came in and
interrogated her for five minutes on why she wanted to go, and what she was
going to look at, and if she had plans to stop anywhere else.
I said, "Chill, Dad, we're only going to the
mall," and he said, "You don't understand, Bobby. She can't help
herself," and I said, "What?" and Cathy yelled, "I'm not
going to go fuck some boy, Dad. You need to fucking get over it!"
It deteriorated from there, as he corrected her language and
she just screamed some more. Finally, during a break in which neither was
screaming, I said, "I'll take care of her Dad. I'm not going to let her do
anything with any boys. I'll just take her shopping. Okay?"
He said, "Okay!" and Cathy pulled me to the front
door so quickly that neither of us had a coat when we got outside. She wanted
to go without them, but I told her to stay put and went back in to get them. I
also needed the keys to the car.
Once in the car, she broke down. Dad was convinced
that Cathy had no control over her libido, which was why she'd committed a
felony to get on birth control, and embarrassed him publicly by doing so. The
identities of all the girls who had done it had gotten around and every time he
was home, some jerk would snicker, "How's that daughter of yours,
Hank?" or make some other snide comment. It had been going on for months,
and his response was to tighten up on Cathy with an iron fist. He wasn't taking
any chances that she could embarrass him again.
I drove to the mall and pulled into a slot away from the
crush. She came into my arms and we kissed. For the first time since I got
home, she felt like normal Cathy. We spent the next fifteen minutes making out
and I realized the windows were fogged up, which might draw exactly the kind of
attention our father would have a coronary about. So we went inside and did
some Christmas shopping and got something to eat and just spent time together.
When we got home, Dad was sitting where I'd been sitting,
watching something on TV. I said we were fine and pushed her towards her room.
Then I sat down beside my father, and said, "Don't you think you're being
a little hard on her?"
He looked at me and said, "Look, boy, don't think that
just because you started college, you understand shit. She's a woman and women
are weak, and men prey on them. She fucked up and my job is to see she doesn't
fuck up again until she's out on her own and her mistakes won't affect anybody
else in this family."
"So you're kicking her to the curb?"
"My job is to raise you two and kick both of you
to the curb," he growled.
"Hmm," I said. "Good to know."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.
"I guess my job will be to get kicked to the curb and
then keep an eye on you, so I know when to stick you in an old folks
home," I said.
"Try it," he said, puffing up.
"You have a heart attack over worrying about what every
other motherfucker in town is thinking and you won't be able to stop me,"
I said.
Then I got up and walked out of the room.
That night, I quietly went to my sister's room. She was
exhausted from worrying all the time and actually asleep when I closed her
door. I would have left her asleep, except she was Daddy's little girl, and
Daddy's little girl was getting fucked that night. There was no way she wasn't
getting fucked.
We needed a pillow again, because she started having orgasms
one after another, and while Daddy's little girl was getting soiled, it would
not do for Daddy to actually find out about that.
Then, when she went limp, I flushed her full of a three
month supply of incestuous brother cum.
All in all, it was a very satisfying night.
The only thing I didn't do ... was check to make sure her ring
was still in after I fucked her.
And Wednesday morning, when she got up, she didn't notice
the little rubber ring folded into her sheets. So, Wednesday night, when I
fucked her again, not only had Tuesday night's load ended up in her unprotected
vagina, Wednesday night's load got added to it.
She did find the ring in her bed Thanksgiving morning.
But by then it was too late.
I didn't have to be back at school until Monday morning, but
that meant going on the bus Sunday. Thursday was taken up by eating and
football. Cathy didn't think it was important to tell me about finding her ring
in bed that morning. She'd put it back in and thought that was all that was needed.
Ironically, Thursday night, when she snuck into my room, I did check to see if
it was there, but I did it while we were kissing and she might have thought it
was just foreplay. We made love Thursday night, but not Friday night because
Dad was getting ready to go back on the road the next morning. Mom was home
that night, too, and we knew they'd stay up late. So we played it safe that
Saturday night we pushed the envelope. I went to her room
and she led me back to my room and said we both had to leave our shirts on,
because she said if we got caught she wanted to be able to say all she was
doing was cuddling with her big brother before he had to go back to college
again. I thought that was odd, until, after we had made love, she just stayed
there until we both drifted off to sleep. She had planned on sleeping there all
We woke up before Mom did. She always slept late on Sundays.
We made love one more time and neither of us had any idea that the sperm left
over when my penis dragged her ring out Tuesday night was still in her womb, or
that her body, when the ring came out, thought, "Oh! It must be time to
start things up again!" If this had happened on the normal schedule, her
womb would have been ready to shed the lining of her uterus. Instead that
lining was healthy and ready for implantation of a fertilized egg. Moreover
her ovaries had released an egg.
Basically, by the time I got back to college, my little
sister was pregnant with my baby.
She didn't know, of course. Just like there's no
"cha-ching" to announce ovulation, there's no "cha-ching"
to announced impregnation has occurred. The first clue was that, when she took
her ring out on schedule, her period didn't start. She wasn't dumb. She
knew this wasn't normal. So she made her own appointment with our family doctor
and then went without Mom. She explained to the doctor what had happened and
said she didn't know whether to put a new ring in or not. He asked her if there
was any possibility that she might be pregnant and she said, "I'm on the
ring, so no."
He explained that the only method of birth control that was
a hundred percent effective was not having sex, and she said, "But it was
only twice," at which point she remembered finding her ring in the bed.
Things got cleared up when he did a test and said she was, in fact, pregnant.
She cried and he said he needed to call her parents, because she was still a
minor and she begged him not to and said her father would kill her. She must
have sounded very convincing, because he called child protective services
This is how things can go to shit in a very short amount of
On the other hand, child protective services reined Dad in
pretty effectively. If you can call disowning her and telling her to have her
room empty by the end of her 18th birthday being reined in. Thankfully, she
graduated from high school three weeks before she turned eighteen, which gave
me time to come get her.
Dad blamed Mom for not "keeping a leash on Cathy"
while he was on the road. Mom felt helpless, particularly when Cathy wouldn't
say who had knocked her up. Her answer to that question was, "One, I don't
want to marry him, and two, would you honestly want to turn my father loose on
some poor boy who thought he was having safe sex?"
So, because of Dad, Cathy wouldn't cooperate with Mom. I was
pretty sure Mom wouldn't understand, anyway. But what Mom did do was
call me and ask if there was any way I could ease Cathy's entry into the adult
world, since she was being cut off viciously from any support from her parents.
The doctor thought he was doing Cathy a favor by involving CPS, when all that
did was double the embarrassment and resultant harassment from Dad's
"friends" in town. And that removed all trace of paternal support from
Cathy's life. Do-gooders always think their actions will bring about the best
possible result, even when it does the opposite.
As far as I was concerned, Dad did exactly what Gina had
done. He chose popularity and what outsiders thought of him over loyalty to his
family. In the end, he had neither friends (worth having) nor his family.
University services did a lot of work during the summer,
when the apartments were empty, so I got offered full time while school was
out. There were tons of places for rent in the summer, too, and I found one
where Cathy and I could live together. The rent was cheaper in the summer, and
would go up when school started again, but the landlord made me a deal because
normally he got no income during the summer at all.
So I borrowed a car and went and picked up Cathy before
she turned 18. She packed what she wanted in the car, and, because she knew Dad
was getting home the next day, threw the rest on the front lawn. She left a
note for Mom that said, "Sorry for the mess, but tell
Dad I knew he would throw it
all out on my birthday, so I saved him the effort. I love you. Cat." I
told her she was being childish, but she insisted on doing it anyway.
Then I took her back to her new home, where both she and her
baby were welcome.
I knew that becoming a hermit and shunning people would not
be good for Cathy. In some ways, that's what I had done when I first got to
school. I didn't shun people, exactly, but I didn't go out of my way to make
new friends, either. I know now that part of that was from a misplaced loyalty
to Cathy. I say misplaced, because Cathy didn't want me to be a friendless
hermit, either. Our problem was that we knew our relationship was taboo and in
our minds, the fewer people we were around, the fewer people might find out
about us. It's also pretty normal for a pregnant young woman who has no
boyfriend to feel like people might judge her.
I knew she needed to keep busy, especially since I was
working full time, so I took her to the student employment office, where we
fibbed a little and said she'd be starting school in the fall.
It turned out the early childhood education program needed
some people. Life, unlike college semesters, doesn't cycle to a close every
four months. The research they were doing in early childhood education involved
humans in early childhood - kids - and that research needed to go on
uninterrupted if the results were going to be useful for anything. So some of
the more advanced students doing that research went to school year-round, at
least for a couple of years. The university operated a child care
center/preschool that provided the subjects for the experiments the post grad
students dreamed up to illuminate how we learn when we're very young.
When she saw an announcement on the board for a full time
child care worker, Cathy jumped at it. It was entry level, which was good,
because she had no experience. Basically she was a worker bee who changed
diapers and sang songs and supervised play and so forth. The fact that she was
pregnant wasn't an obstacle, and there were no requirements that the
prospective employee actually be a student. The pay was minimum wage, but that
was offset by the fact that the employee's own children, aged infant to six
years, could be enrolled for free. And, because she was an employee of the
university, she got health insurance. That was really crucial, and a stroke of
luck, because two months after she started, and about the same time as I
started my second year of college, she went into labor.
By November, when Thanksgiving loomed, along with the first
year of our lives we weren't going to be home to enjoy it with our parents, we
were poor, but happy. Our daughter, Michelle Elise, was a happy, fat little
thing, thriving on breast milk. She was part of a study comparing some two
dozen measurements of things like weight gain, body mass index, evidence of
allergic reaction and a bunch of other stuff, between babies who were breast
fed, versus formula fed. Incidentally, Cathy loved breastfeeding, I think because
the university setting made it so easy for her to do, with so little fanfare
associated with it. She loved it so much that, after Michelle was weaned and an
experiment was designed that needed wet nurses, she volunteered to do that.
Basically, her breasts supplied delicious, nutritious mommy-milk for four years
in a row. And since breasts of any size can produce as much milk as is
required, within limits, the fact that I siphoned a little off now and then
while we made love didn't hurt a thing.
Thanksgiving came and went. There was a homeless
shelter/rescue mission kind of place in town and they provided Thanksgiving
dinner for anyone who showed up. Over the years a lot of elderly people had
started going there, usually bringing along some food, like one of our pot luck
dinners at church, when we were little. There's a story that they tell every
year about one time when a new employee of the health department tried to stop
that, but the food was put on a table with a sign that said, "This food is
not approved for consumption by the Health Department." As the story goes,
one homeless guy stood there and if anybody came up to the table, he asked,
"Are you with the health department? Because if you are, this food is not
fit for your consumption." Then he'd cackle. Supposedly, he did it for
hours and never got tired of the joke.
Along with some of the elderly, if college kids were left at
school, since the cafeteria was closed down, we'd go to the rescue mission,
too. It was crowded and noisy and there were strange people there, but then
again, isn't that what Thanksgiving dinner is like in millions of homes across
the nation? They even had a couple of TVs where football was on.
I'm told something similar happened at Christmas, though on
a much smaller scale. We never found out about that.
Michelle loved the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving. She
wasn't crawling yet, of course, at only three months, but she could hold her
head up like a champ. I thought she looked like a turtle without a shell,
rubber-necking, trying to see everything that was going on. And lots of people
wanted to hold her and cuddle her.
When school had started, we got two new roommates. We lived
in an old two-story house with three bedrooms, part of the original town before
there was a university, there. A girl named Tiffany moved into one bedroom, and
a guy named Michael rented the other one. Neither one thought it was odd that a
brother and sister would share the third bedroom to save money. They were told
that Michelle's father hadn't wanted to step up to the plate, and that I was
helping her. They also knew she worked at the child care center. There were two
beds in our room, but we slept together. There was a little breaking-in period,
where they got used to Michelle's excellent noise-making capabilities, but
Tiffany had younger siblings, so she was used to it. I think Michael put up
with it because he already knew Tiffany. Both were juniors and were in the
broadcast journalism school. He was pursuing a meteorology degree and she
wanted to be a cameraman. By second semester they were spending a lot of time
in each other's bedrooms, and didn't pay much attention to Cathy and me at all.
My courses were still mostly of the standard type, and
because I had spent so much time studying instead of partying, my study habits
were good. So I was doing really well and looking forward to more challenging
classes in years to come.
Basically, everything was pretty good for us. We were poor,
but happy. We could sleep together and make love whenever we wanted to, again.
Our first Christmas alone was looming, but we tried to be philosophical about
it. If we'd moved out and gotten married like normal people, we'd be starting
our own Christmas traditions anyway, right? We bought a little
"permanent" tree at the Salvation Army thrift store, and some
decorations, and tried to spruce up the house a little.
Then disaster struck.
Dad was delivering a trailer load of car parts up into
Canada and a white-out blizzard developed. There was a pileup on the highway
ahead of him and he ran into it at much too high a rate of speed. The cab of
the truck he was driving was torn completely off the chassis and he was killed
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