Shooting in Hannah - Version Bravo
by Lubrican
Chapters : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Chapter Eleven
Again, the next morning I got up and went to school.
This particular Friday was different because
there was only a half day of classes scheduled.
The second half of the day was a work day in preparation for
Parent/Teacher conferences that were slated for that evening.
I'd have stayed there all day, except Hannah
called the school and asked them to have me call her back.
I got that message and went to the office to
make the call. Our school district had a
"no cell phone" policy and the only way the students would stand for
it was if it applied to the teachers as well.
Admin could have them, but not us lowly instructors.
Which is why as the kids were streaming out, happy about
an afternoon off, Madeline, one of the secretaries, overheard me say,
"Okay. I can be home in ten minutes.
Can you make it until then?"
This, of course, was in response to her asking me to come
home at lunch and make another deposit in her 'sperm bank'.
Normally teachers stayed at school to eat
lunch and then get ready for parent/teacher conferences, but it wasn't
The problem was that I left to get home to my hot-bodied
lover without telling Phoebe I wasn't going to be there for lunch,
which we
usually ate together in the teacher's lounge.
When I wasn't there and she inquired if anybody knew where I
Madeline said, "Oh, he had to go home.
It sounded like there was some problem."
Which is why Phoebe, knowing my sister was there, got
worried something had happened to Hannah and decided to come see if I
Phoebe cannot be blamed for her desire to help, nor for
misinterpreting the moans she heard when she came in the unlocked front
after tapping and getting no answer.
Those moans must have sounded like moans of pain to her
She appeared in the doorway to the bedroom and was
greeted with the sight of my very naked sister riding me, groaning, and
"Shoot in me, baby brother. Get me pregnant. Make twins in me!"
I was in the process of waxing on and
with her breasts. Mr. Miagi would have been proud of me.
Phoebe, however, was not.
I caught movement in my peripheral vision and looked at
Phoebe. Hannah had been watching my
face, waiting to see the signs that I was about to spurt.
When she saw that she'd start milking me and
then roll us over as I fired off in her pussy.
She liked being on top, but didn't want to waste any sperm due
gravity. When she saw my head turn and
my eyes widen, she looked too.
Phoebe was already frozen, and the chill extended to
Hannah, who suddenly sat stock still, impaled on my bone.
Phoebe turned and Hannah yelled, "Wait! Don't leave!
Please, I can explain!"
She leapt off of me with the agility of a woman ten years
younger than she was, and dashed naked out of the door after Phoebe.
I lay there in a daze.
I suspect my reaction was like that of a person buried under a
building during an earthquake, and who regains consciousness not quite
understanding what happened, but knowing he is in deep, deep trouble.
I honestly don't remember much about the first five
minutes after my naked sister scrambled to stop my maybe-could be-sort
girlfriend from storming out after what she saw. What
I remember most vividly was that, after
Hannah did not come back, I got up, put on a pair of shorts, and went
out into
the living room, where I saw Hannah and Phoebe sitting on the couch.
Hannah was still naked, though she had a pillow in her
lap. Phoebe was sitting very erect, half
sideways, and they were ... talking.
Hannah saw me and said, "Go back to the bedroom.
We're busy right now."
So I did that. I
mean that was easy, right? All I had to
do was go away from danger. Flight is
much easier than fight, at least for a man like me.
I'm not a violent person, remember?
Of course that didn't mean I felt relieved.
Not at all.
Imagine some justice system where, when you're put on trial,
you're not
allowed to be there, or offer anything towards your defense.
Everything is settled by others, but you have
to live with the verdict. The verdict in
this case would be GUILTY! How could it
be anything other? Talk about getting
caught red-handed.
The trial went on for long enough that I couldn't stand
it any longer. I put on a shirt for some
odd reason and then went out there again.
This time it was Phoebe who told me to go back into the
bedroom. The only shred of comfort I
got, other than the fact that she was still there at all, was that she
sitting so erectly anymore. She was
leaning on the back of the couch with one arm extended along the back.
I can't convey with words what it was like as another
hour passed. I could hear them talking,
but not what they were saying. I
couldn't imagine what they were saying to each other, what kind of
could take that long, under the circumstances. Voices were raised on
sides, but it wasn't a shouting match.
What perplexed me the most was why Phoebe was even still there.
I could invent no scenario in my mind where
Phoebe would be willing to stay, much less have some kind of discussion
what she'd discovered.
I was pacing when Hannah walked into the room, as naked
as when she'd run out of it. I turned
but she held up a hand to stop my barrage of questions.
"She went home.
She said she'd talk to you tomorrow. She needs time to think."
"Think about what?" I gasped.
"You. Both of
you." She blinked. "And
I was dumbfounded.
"She's going to think about ... us?" I know my
voice sounded incredulous.
"Yes. I
explained everything to her. I told her
about Austin and Cynthia, about why I'm here ... everything."
"You talked for over an hour!" I said. "How'd
you get her to stay long enough
to work around to all that?"
"Actually, I told her all that first," said
Hannah. "There was no other way
except to lay it all out and hope that what I'd seen in her eyes was
"What you'd seen," I said, dully.
"She loves you, Bobby."
"Not anymore," I said.
"Give her time.
I know you're upset, but give her time.
I think she understands why all this was ... necessary."
"Oh yeah," I snapped. "You really needed somebody to get you pregnant and it was necessary that it
be me. I'm
sure she got that right away."
"You're upset," she said again. "I
understand that. But it's not as bad as
you think it is."
"Yeah, right," I growled.
"Please do me a favor," she said.
"A favor? You
mean another favor? What will it
be this time? Oh, I know. You joined a
'My husband is sterile' club and you have half a dozen new friends who
want to get pregnant. And you
volunteered me!"
"No," she said, patiently. "What
I'm asking is that you don't have
this attitude when Phoebe talks to you tomorrow. Your
relationship with her doesn't have to
be over, Bobby. She just needs to think
about things. Let her do that and then listen to her when she wants to talk."
"You're insane," I sighed. "And
I'm insane, too." I sat down on the bed.
"And if Phoebe
doesn't throw knives at me tomorrow, then she's insane right
along with
"Insanity loves company," said my sister.
"I think that's misery," I said, tiredly.
It was misery.
I still had to get ready for the conferences, and I had to do them,
paying attention to each set of parents and trying to impart valuable
information to them. I knew Phoebe was
probably just as distracted as I was, but we had to do it.
I was miserable, not the least because I knew
I was responsible for her being miserable. Once again, a man
had shat
upon her.
Once I glanced at the door and saw her face in the
window, staring at me while I talked to a set of parents, but she moved
on with
no attempt at non-verbal communication.
After my last conference was complete, I gathered my
courage and went to her room.
It was dark and empty.
Hannah was gone when I got home. There
was a note on the table.
"I know you're not in the mood. Call
me after you talk to Phoebe."
She was right. I
couldn't have been in the mood if I hadn't had sex in over a decade.
Not only had I screwed things up with Phoebe,
but now Hannah was once again denied the opportunity to get pregnant
again. Three sets of lives had been
I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself when there
was a tap at the door. I turned to see
Phoebe open it and come in just like she always did.
"I got a sitter for Chris tonight," she said.
To say I was astonished is the understatement of the
"Hi," I managed to croak.
"I thought we could talk."
"Hannah's not here," I said, for some inane
"I know," she said. While my mind was trying to
figure out how she knew, and had finally settled on the fact that
Hannah's car
wasn't parked out front anymore, she said, "How did your conferences
How did my conferences go? Suddenly
I got calm. That question screamed that
she was just as
uncomfortable as I was. But she was
there. She could have been anywhere, but
she'd come to beard the lion in his den.
"I was distracted," I said.
"Me, too," she said.
"You want to talk?" It still
seemed incomprehensible to me.
"I want to understand."
"Most women would just shoot me and get it over
with," I said.
"I'm not most women."
We stood there and I was just thinking I should ask her why she wanted to understand when she answered the question before it
"Look. Since
Chris's father shit all over my life you're the first man I've met who
me like Phoebe, instead of treating me like some opportunity to get his
off with a pretty girl. You've treated
me with respect. I wasn't used to that,
but I've gotten used to it and I'm not crazy about the idea of
kicking you to the curb. I don't think I
could start over again, Bob. This one
time was all I had in me. So I need to
understand how this all happened. I know
what Hannah was thinking. Now I need to
why you did what you did."
I was willing to tell her, but there was a lot to tell
and I didn't know which parts were important, and which parts were like
Bouncing Betty mines you hear Vietnam vets talk about.
Once one of those popped up ... it was pretty
much over.
"It's complicated," I said.
"I'm sure it is," she replied.
"It could take a while."
"I told the sitter I'd pick Chris up by eight
tomorrow morning at the latest," she said.
"I want to know, Bob. I
wondered about some things before
this. I don't want to wonder about
anything else."
"What did you wonder about?"
"I've been here dozens of times. I
know you only have one bedroom, and one
bed. Chris has taken lots of naps on
it. And I know your couch doesn't pull
out to make another bed."
"Okay," I said, still dull from the shock of
seeing her.
"So where does Hannah sleep when she comes to
"Oh," I said.
"And I told you I saw you together, before you asked
me out that first time."
"The look on your face when you were with her ... I
wanted some man to look at me that way some day."
"I know you love her. I just
don't understand how that kind of
love developed. It's ... unusual ...
isn't it?"
"I'm sure it is," I said.
"And our relationship has been unusual.
I'm fully aware of that. I
know people who date as long as we've dated
get much more involved ... physically ... than we have.
I've thought about that a lot, and I'm not
sure I understand that, either."
"You mean why I haven't put a move on you?"
"Something like that."
"I didn't sense that would be welcome."
"But you kept wanting to be with me."
"I like you," I said. "I like being
with you."
"Is that all it is ... like? Are we just
I thought about how to answer. I
didn't think a confession of love would be
either appropriate or welcome, under the circumstances.
I also didn't want to characterize this as
merely a friendship.
"Hannah would say I love you," I said,
softly. "She said she could see it
in my face."
That seemed like a reasonable thing to say.
Phoebe had just described seeing that on my
"I'm interested in what Hannah says, but I'm more interested in what you would say," she said.
I didn't know what to do.
I knew what she was asking for. I
just couldn't figure out why. I've known
women who might ask a man if he loved her only to crush him after he
said he
did. Some women, injured women, want to
do as much emotional damage to a man as she believes he caused her.
I didn't think Phoebe was that kind of woman,
though. I just thought we were jumping
to the last chapter of the book to find out how it ends, without
getting hooked
on the journey through the story first.
"It's a lot more than like, in my opinion," I
said. It occurred to me I was taking
something for granted. "From me to you, I mean," I added.
She looked annoyed.
"Just say it, Bob.
Hannah says you love me. Do
you? Yes or no!"
"Yes," I heard come out of my mouth.
"Why didn't you ever tell me that?" she asked,
and then held up a hand. "No, never mind. We'll talk about that
later. Now I want to know about you and
Hannah. Do you still have that bottle of
Moscato I saw in the cabinet last week?"
"Yes," I said. "I'll go get it."
"No. You sit there and think about what you're going
to tell me. I want the whole story and
I'm not leaving until I get it."
"What if you don't like the whole story?" I
"Then that's the way it will be," she
said. "I'm trying to keep an open
mind, though. Marshal your thoughts.
We'll start when I get back with the wine."
I've already mentioned more than once that parts of this
story could be expanded into other books.
What followed when Phoebe brought the open bottle and two
glasses fits
into that category as well. I'm still
resisting writing something in the War and Peace category, though, and I think I can distill it to
Basically I started at the very beginning, when Hannah
blackmailed me into taking sexy pictures of her for Steve, and I got a
boner in
the process. I blamed that on puberty,
because I got ten or fifteen erections per day back then.
Phoebe rolled her eyes at me.
"It was weird," I said. "She
was interested in boys and
erections and she kept asking me questions about mine and what guys did
they got one. It sounds like all this
happened suddenly, but it wasn't like that.
It was like little baby steps where we talked about things we
have anybody else to talk about them with.
She wanted to feel sexy so I kept taking pictures and telling
her she
looked sexy."
"Most girls want to feel that way," said
"So anyway, pretty soon she wanted to show me
things she couldn't show other boys, to see how that felt.
And then she wanted to see things she
couldn't ask to see on dates." I stopped.
"Have you ever heard that story about putting frog in a pot of
water on the stove and then turning up the heat?"
She nodded. "The frog doesn't know how hot it's
getting until it's too late."
"Almost," I said. "Actually,
the frog never understands
that it's too late."
I went on, describing all our escapades, which started
because Hannah got fired up on dates but didn't want to do anything
about it
while she was still on the date.
So she came home and did things with someone safe ... me.
"At first she just wanted to touch herself while
watching me touch myself," I said.
"That was all we did for months.
She'd go on a date and come home and get it out of her system
with me. Maybe she was fantasizing I was
the guy she'd
been out with. I don't know. I think it
was around that time she said I had a reputation with girls in the
"What kind of reputation?" asked Phoebe,
pouring another glass of wine.
"It was crazy.
She said lots of girls were attracted to me because they
believed I
would do what they wanted and then stop whenever they wanted me to.
Like heavy petting on a date, with no
pressure to do anything more. Except part of this whole crazy thing was
that it
made the girls like me too much so they always broke up with me.
According to Hannah."
"And was it like that?"
"I guess so.
I didn't really have anything to compare myself to.
A lot of the girls I asked out wanted to do
things, make out, I mean, and some of them wanted to be touched.
And they did all break up with me. I thought we were
doing fine and then, suddenly it was over, except they still smiled at
me in
the halls. It was confusing."
"How did you decide how far to go with a girl?"
she asked.
I thought that was an odd question, but I answered it.
"It's not hard to tell. I mean if you try to touch
her breast and she pulls away or moves your hand, it's pretty clear she
want that. And if she lets you, then you know that's okay."
"Except most guys would keep trying," said
"I guess. But
why do that? I mean why would any guy
think that was smart? I never pushed it
with any girl I went out with because I usually wanted her to go out
with me
again. It was just a feeling, I guess.
I knew guys who pushed it, but I thought they
were jerks. Some of them went out with
my sister."
"That's how you've been with me, Bob."
"With you?"
"You've never tried to push me, maneuver me into
doing something I didn't want to do."
"Of course not," I said.
"Hannah is right.
That is a very attractive quality in a man," said
"I think the reason it didn't drive me crazy was
because there was a girl I could do things with.
I mean eventually Steve begged her to jerk
him off and of course she wouldn't do that, but then she came home and
to find out what would have been like.
It happened like that, in little steps.
She wanted to touch me and then she wanted to know what it would
like if a guy touched her. And it was a chance for me to touch a girl
having to worry about her getting weird or nervous or whatever.
The heat kept getting turned up and we just
swam around in the pot, all fat, dumb, and happy."
"Hannah is neither fat nor dumb," said Phoebe.
"She's one of the most beautiful women I've seen."
"I think that was part of the problem," I said.
"I can understand that. I'm not
a lesbian, but if Hannah asked me to
be it would be tempting."
I stared at her, dumbstruck.
"Go on," she said.
"She liked it," I said. I looked away. "I
did, too."
"That's not surprising," said Phoebe.
"And then one night she got so excited that she used
a ... dildo." I blinked. "She got it out of her nightstand. I still
remember how shocked I was. She
obviously loved that thing."
"That's not surprising, either," said Phoebe.
"I love mine, too."
I stared at her.
"See?" I said, my voice a little cracky.
"That's what I mean. I never thought about you doing that. It's like
been hit in the stomach. It doesn't hurt
or anything. It's just a surprise."
"Why would you be surprised? I'm a normal
woman. There hasn't been a man in my
life for five years. I certainly wasn't going to go without anything
all that
"Of course," I said. "I get
that. It's just that I don't normally
think about
the women I know that way. I don't look
at every woman I meet and wonder what she does to take care of that
"That's kind of reassuring," said Phoebe. I
couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. "If you did wonder
about that with every woman you meet, that would make you some kind of
"I guess," I said, uncomfortably. At that
moment I was imagining Phoebe using "hers".
"Go on," she said again.
"I think the problem with exploring things like that
... with trying to satisfy your curiosity ... is that there's always
step you can take. That's what happened
to us. First she wanted to see me, and
let me look at her, and then she wanted to touch me, and have me touch
her. And
then she wanted to be with me like that, but have something inside her.
But not
my ... um ..."
"Penis," said Phoebe. "It's called a
penis, Bob."
"This is hard," I groaned.
"It's hard for me, too," she said. "I
really like you. Since I've been spending time with you I've felt
things I
haven't felt since before I had Chris, things I didn't expect to feel
again. I need to understand this."
"Okay," I said.
My mind was spinning because of what she'd just said.
I knew I either was in love with or was falling in love with Phoebe. The only thing I had to compare it to was how I
felt about
Hannah, but whatever it was, it was strong.
The idea that she might return that feeling left me almost dizzy.
But dizzy was okay, because I wasn't able to
concentrate on the shame I felt.
"And Bob," said Phoebe, softly, "don't
leave anything out. I know this could
make things ... difficult ... for us, but I want to hear it all."
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