Shooting in Hannah - Version Bravo
by Lubrican
Chapters : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Chapter Five
We were lying side by side again. We'd caught our breath
but said nothing yet. Finally I couldn't
keep it in any longer.
"Did Janet really tell you Todd fucks
her?" I asked.
"She was really drunk," sighed Hannah.
"And you believed her?"
"Who admits they have sex with their brother if it
isn't true?"
"Did she cry about it?"
"It was the opposite. The way
it happened was that we'd been
drinking that peach brandy, and she said she wished Todd was there.
I asked her what she meant and she said she
was horny. Then a little more came out
and a little more until she was telling me all the places they snuck
away to
get together."
"But I thought you said all they did was play doctor
and he put his finger in her."
"That is all they did until last year."
I thought about it.
I knew Todd, but didn't hang with him.
His sister was kind of cute, but had braces and wore glasses.
I thought she was kind of a nerd.
I tried to imagine Todd on top of her,
rutting away. That led me to thinking
about how I felt about my sperm getting inside Hannah.
"What do they do about birth control?" I asked.
"Nothing much."
"What? That's
"I know. I said the same thing. She
said he tries to use condoms but she
hates them."
"At least she should get on the pill," I said.
"Sure. Just
go to your Mom and Dad and say something like, 'Well, I'm sexually
active now
and I'm going to stay that way. How's about getting me a prescription
to the
pill so I can fuck whenever I feel like it?'
That would go over like a lead balloon."
"It would go over better than having to tell them
you're pregnant," I said.
"When you were ... while I was jacking off while you
were ..."
"Fucking myself," she said. "You can just
say it, Bobby. I think we're past being shy about this."
"When you were fucking yourself with the dildo and I
was jacking off, and I came, some of it got on the dildo."
She rolled her head and looked at me.
"I know. I
saw it."
"But you pushed it back into you," I said.
"I know. I wanted to."
"You wanted to get my sperm inside you?!"
She closed her eyes and for a few seconds I thought she
wasn't going to say anything.
"Janet said the best feeling in the world is your
brother's spunk up inside your pussy."
"Fuck me," I groaned.
She opened her eyes again.
"I just wanted to know what it felt like."
My mind was blown, but somewhere in there was a shred of
rational processing capacity. That part
caused my vocal cords to respond.
She stared into my eyes.
"I loved it," she whispered. "Knowing it
was in me was what made me cum."
Things had obviously gone off the rails.
It was obvious to both of us. What
started out as Hannah wanting to look
sexy in pictures had somehow morphed into this Godzilla sized monster
through our lives, crushing our capacity to be normal, and unleashing
within us that was as impossible to tame as Godzilla was.
This transition from siblings who grated on each other,
to lovers who embraced a new, clearly taboo kind of relationship,
happened in a
slow, incomprehensible way. It really
was like the proverbial camel, upon which someone keeps placing straw,
it higher and higher, thinking that everything is under control, until
final straw breaks the beast's back.
It was also like running from a forest fire.
You can't go back.
At least until the fire is out and you try to rebuild what was
Even then, it won't be like it was originally.
It can't be.
The seriousness of the situation was not lost on either
of us. We knew we couldn't just keep running,
trying to dodge the monster rampaging through our lives.
To end the analogy, we sought refuge, hiding from the
beast, by staying away from each other.
Neither of us was happy, though.
Hannah went out with Steve three more times before he
broke up with her. He had to have more
than she was willing to give. He just
had no idea that what he wanted, she had given to me.
Our segregation lasted a month, until the fourth of July,
in fact, when our parents unknowingly made it impossible for us to
avoid the issue. Our aunt and uncle came to stay with us for the long
holiday, and Mom gave them Hannah's room, because it had the bigger bed
in it.
"Hannah can sleep in your room," she said to me. "I
know you don't want to, but it's only for a few days."
"And where is she supposed to sleep?" I asked.
"Your father is out selecting a camping cot for you
to sleep on," she said, looking at me. "I haven't seen my sister in
three years. Please cooperate with me on this."
We resisted a little longer, staying up as long as we
could, but around ten they started playing bridge and Mom told us to
on to bed." We knew that meant the
adults wanted to talk without us listening.
Hannah sat on the bed and I stood, looking at the cot.
"I can sleep on the cot," she said.
"You know you toss and turn," I said.
"What are we going to do?" she moaned.
"I don't know."
"I haven't been on a date in two weeks," she
said. It was summer and the word about
her breakup with Steve hadn't gotten around yet. Either
that or all the guys assumed she
already had another boyfriend. I
knew how that worked. I'd wanted to ask
Abby Baldwin to the homecoming dance the previous year, but had assumed
already had a date. Everybody else did
too. She arrived at the dance by
herself. Well, with two other girls, but
it's the same thing.
"I know," I said.
"So why am I so horny?" she moaned.
"I'm irresistible?" I joked.
She wasn't amused.
She took her clothes off, right there in front of me, and
put on a long T shirt. She left her
panties on the floor.
"I'm going to bed," she said. She
climbed on my bed and sat down, Indian
style. The shirt did nothing to cover
her pussy.
I started getting undressed. She
just watched. I wasn't wearing underwear
again and when I
stood up from removing my shorts let's just say it was obvious I found
I went to my dresser and got a pair of running shorts
"You may as well leave them off," said Hannah.
"Because if you come to bed with them on, I'm just
going to take them off."
"I'm tired of feeling this way," she said.
"I'm tired of fighting it. I just
want to be who I am."
"What if somebody comes in?" I asked.
"Lock the door," she said.
"And what happens when Mom finds the door
"It gives us time to get decent before we open it
and tell her it was just your habit to lock the door."
"I don't have a habit of locking the door," I
"You do, now." She pulled the shirt up and off,
dragging her hair out of the neck hole before reaching to drop the
shirt beside
the bed.
"You make a lot of noise when you cum," I
reminded her.
In answer, she flopped onto her back and reached for one
of the pillows. She covered her face with it and sort of shouted into
it. In the process, she was splayed out
naked on
my bed, unashamed and obviously willing to be that way.
She pulled the pillow up and put it under her head.
She pulled her heels up and opened herself to
me obscenely. Her right hand went to
play with her pussy lips.
"It was still kind of loud," I said.
"Come to bed," she said, softly. "I
promise I'll be quiet."
I'd gotten close to getting her off with my fingers once,
so I decided I could maybe do that better and then after she was happy
I could
jack off and everything would be copasetic.
I had just slid my middle finger deep inside her, feeling
with the tip of my finger for a kind of rubbery knob I'd felt in there
when she covered her face with both hands and said, "Fuuuck."
"Feels good, huh?" I asked, proudly.
"I forgot to get my dildo out of the drawer,"
she groaned.
I think it was natural for me to think along the same
lines as her. I envisioned my aunt or
uncle either looking for something or just snooping and opening that
drawer. There, for all the world to see,
would be the pink artificial penis their niece obviously fucked herself with.
That would be interesting.
"Maybe they won't find it," I said.
"I have to go get it," she whispered, fiercely.
"What if they're in there?"
"They won't be. They'll play that stupid game for
A minute later she was up and dressed in the T shirt
again. She went to the door, unlocked it
and peeked out. Then she disappeared.
She was gone a long time, and when she came back, she wasn't
"It's not there!" she said.
"What do you mean it's not there?"
"Did you take it?" She glared
at me.
"No! I never touched it."
"Well somebody did, because I know where I put it and
now it's gone."
I thought about it, but it wasn't hard to reach the only
logical conclusion.
"Mom must have found it when she was getting the
room ready for them," I said.
"Fuuuuck," she groaned, covering her face with
both hands again.
"Obviously she didn't say anything to you," I
said. Her hands came down.
She frowned and pondered a bit. "Why didn't she?"
I thought about that.
It was weird, but the answer seemed logical.
"She was your age once. Maybe
she understands the need to have
Hannah's frown relaxed and became a quizzical look.
"I can't imagine mom ..." She closed her eyes.
"She'd never need anything like that. She was so beautiful."
I shrugged.
"What do I do now?" she moaned.
"I'd recommend waiting to talk to her about it until
they leave." Who "they"
was, was obvious.
"I can't talk to her about it!" moaned Hannah.
"Sure you can."
"What if she didn't take it? If
I ask her about it then I'll be telling
her I had it."
"You're overthinking this," I said. "Either
she or Dad found it and took it
so nobody else would find it. Nobody
else could have done it. You're a big
girl. Act like one. Just
ask them if they took something from
your room and ask for it back."
"If Daddy found it he'll kill me," she
"If he did, he hasn't, yet," I observed.
"I don't know what to do," she said.
"Come to bed," I said.
"I'm not in the mood anymore." She glared at
"So all you do is sleep. Maybe
in the morning you'll have an idea of
how to proceed."
She came to bed, and this time left the T shirt on.
She didn't comment on the fact I was still
She reached for the switch on the lamp beside the bed and
the room was plunged into darkness. The
black got less oppressive as my eyes adjusted and the light from the
light outside brought a kind of ghostly atmosphere into the room.
We lay side by side, both of us on our backs.
"I am so screwed," she said, softly.
"Not tonight," I replied.
She was so worried about the dildo that she just lay
there beside me. I could hear her breathing. I didn't think it was as
big a
deal as she did. I hadn't told my sister
about it, but a few years back my mother came to me and gave me a box
Kleenexes. She asked me not to ejaculate
on my socks and underwear anymore, as I had been doing when I
masturbated. She was pretty cool about it,
"When I see that in the laundry it's too much
information, Bobby," she'd said.
She hadn't pulled away from me or treated me like some
kind of pervert. She knew what boys do and why they do it.
It was even more likely she knew what girls do, too, and
why they do it.
"It's going to be okay," I said, into the dark.
"I was so looking forward to tonight," she
whispered. "I knew we'd sleep together and I couldn't wait."
"We are sleeping together," I said.
"Or at least will be when you settle down and go to sleep."
"Not funny," she observed.
"I'm not trying to be funny," I said.
"Whatever happened, there's nothing you can do about it.
Well ... I suppose you could get up and go
out there and just ask them." I
changed my voice, making it higher. "Mommy? Daddy? Somebody stole my
toy and I need it back because I'm really, really horny. Did
either of
you take my dildo?"
I got an elbow in the arm for that.
"I may not sleep with you if you keep doing that," she said. "That
cot is right over there."
"I'm sorry. I
just think it will be okay, that's all."
She rolled on her side and faced me.
"Why do you think that?"
I still didn't want to tell her about Mom and the box of
Kleenexes. It had been unbelievably
embarrassing, at least at that time. But
she hadn't acted any differently towards me at all after that, and
pretty soon
I came to the realization that she just knew the deal and wasn't
me. Obviously it would help Hannah if
she knew that, though, so I decided I had to tell her.
I turned on my side to face her and spoke into the
"Two years ago Mom brought me a box of
Kleenexes," I started. Even in the
dark it was hard to keep going.
"So, I had been jerking off and catching the spunk
in a sock, or my dirty underwear. She
asked me to stop doing that and said that's what the Kleenexes were
"You're lying," she said.
"No I'm not. It happened."
"How did she know?"
"She said it leaves a stain," I said. "She
said seeing those stains in the
laundry was giving her too much information.
She actually said that. She said,
'That's too much information for me, Bobby.'"
"No way. You are definitely lying," she accused
me again.
"I can prove I'm telling the truth," I said.
"When she talks to you about the dildo ask her about
it," I said.
"Yeah, right. Like how am I supposed to explain how
I know about that? Brothers don't tell
their sisters stuff like that, Bobby."
"I just did."
"Okay, but we're lying here naked in the same bed,
and brothers and sisters don't do that either."
"We are. Janet and Todd do, assuming she was
telling you the truth."
"We're clearly a minority in the world, Bobby. You
know that. And if I ask Mom about your
soiled underwear, she'll know we're sharing things that only that
minority of
people would share. That's the stupidest
idea I've heard you come up with in years."
"It happened, Hannah, and she was cool about
it. She didn't yell at me or call me
dirty or anything like that. She just
asked me to use a tissue instead of something that would end up in the
laundry. And she didn't treat me any
differently after
that. If she found your dildo, I'm sure all she did was put it away so
wouldn't be any embarrassing incident."
"But why wouldn't she say something to me
about it? You said she talked to you."
"I don't know.
Maybe she found it just before they got here and hasn't had time
to talk
to you."
"I want to believe that. I want to believe she
"Of course she understands. She
was your age once. For all we know she
has two or three dildos herself."
My sister pushed me so hard I rolled off the edge of the
bed. I landed in a heap and banged my
"You take that back!" she said from a dark
round mass above me. Some of her hair tickled me as I got up on one
"What are you talking about?" I asked, sitting
up. "Why'd you push me out of bed?"
"My mother is not a pervert!" hissed
And there it was.
Hannah thought owning and using a dildo made you a pervert.
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